The Many Ways Fire Protection Services Can Enhance Your Safety

reliable fire protections services

Keeping a building or home secure against inherent danger should never be overlooked, which is why the noble work of reliable fire protections services should always be considered to bolster peace of mind. In the event of an emergency, the failsafe implementations of fire protection services could mean the difference between tragedy and fatality. No doubt many of you are already aware of the various ways to bolster your buildings security and ability to detect emergency situations. These are not magically placed there, they are the result of fire protection services surveying, analysing and determining the optimal locations and tools for each chosen failsafe. 

While there are the obvious alarm systems, you may not be aware of some of the additional measures that can be put in place to facilitate a safer and more secure living/working space. Today we’re going to go through a few of them and further illustrate why reliable purveyors of fire protection services are not to be overlooked. 

Fire Protective Services – Doors & Exits

Properly installed and maintained doors and exit pathways are extremely effective in keeping people safe and allows clear strategies for inhabitants of buildings experiencing emergency situations. There are a number of parameters for an effective hazard door to be considered code-compliant to the BCA’s ordinances AS1428.1:2021, AS1905.1:2015, and AS1851-2012 respectively. 

Effective doors require resistant frames and small gaps to disallow smoke to seep into multiple zones of a given building, they also require a locking mechanism that allows ingress in the case of emergencies. These aspects are often checked rigorously and come as standard with the right fire protective services.  

Fire Protective Services – Suppression Systems

Suppression systems are the most important aspect of a building’s safety measures. They’re the first point of contact with a blaze and are standard across the board for commercial properties and buildings. There are many types of suppression systems that have an advantage on certain kinds of emergencies. 

3 of the more common types that can be installed or maintained by efficient fire protective services are:

Water Based

Undeniably the most common variant is water-based suppression systems. These are standard in most buildings and are effective against a growing blaze. They’re often linked to a reservoir or dedicated supply of water to ensure it is always ready to go. The systems often detect an emergent matter which triggers a water mist solution into the affected area to suppress it. While it is inexpensive to maintain and implement, there are issues surrounding water and electronics which can lead to potential data loss and broken electronics as a result of the system. 

Chemical Foams

Kitchens are often the location of most emergencies due to burnt mishaps or grease-related errors. These systems do require a little more finesse and special piping for installation which can scale up the price considerably. However, they do not cause a whole lot of damage and are very efficient at suppressing emergencies before they spread. 

Pressurised Gas

Very common in server rooms or areas of modern offices with expensive electronic setups. Using pressurised gas (using liquid nitrogen to keep it compact and liquidized until needed), the gas is released when an emergency is detected which then has a reaction with the flames that effectively extinguishes it without causing a reduction in oxygen.

Fire Protective Services – Detectors & Panels

An old reliable method is of course, the smoke detectors. These are often checked and installed by fire protective services to ensure that residential and commercial properties have an effective, loud, and working emergency alert system in place. The intuitive nature of modern panels can also be installed and maintained by fire protective services to ensure alerts are in place at any given moment.