British sweets: How does sugar affect you?

British sweets How does sugar affect you

Sugar happens to be a part of our everyday meals. They exist in different forms in the different foods we consume; they are available in your favorite British sweets, peanut butter, cookies, ice cream, and yogurt, among other foods.

Virtually every packaged food is packed with added sugar, and since they make up a large chunk of what you eat daily, one won’t be entirely wrong if you say products such as British sweets make up a significant proportion of your daily calorie intake.

Not to engage you in boring biology talks, sugar is defined as refined carbohydrates. They are also called “empty calories” because they don’t contain useful nutrients.

While it’s easy to ask people to avoid sugar or reduce their sugar intake, it is always not easy because most processed foods are packed with sugar, and we grab them day in and out. However, knowing what sugar does to our body might make you rethink and step on the brakes sometimes. The occasional craving for British sweets is still a good one to fulfil however.

Top reasons why eating too much sugar bad for your health

  • Can Cause Weight Gain

It’s no longer news that the rate of obesity across the globe is on the rise, and added sugar from a good number of beverages and foods is suspected to be the culprit.

Soda, juices, and other sugar-sweetened beverages are also packed with sugar. This type of sugar is called fructose, and it is known to increase the desire for food and make people hungry. Excessive consumption of this type of sugar (fructose) is also known to build a resistance to an important hormone (leptin) that regulates hunger. Leptin also tells your body when to stop eating. So, you should have an idea of what happens when fructose resists the production of this hormone. British sweets should be consumed in moderation for this reason.

  • Has Been Linked to Acne

British sweets

Research has shown that sugary foods and drinks can increase the chances or risks of developing acne.

If you are familiar with the glycemic index, you would know that foods with a high glycemic index (such as British sweets) can raise blood sugar more than foods with a low glycemic index.

In addition to raising the glycemic index, sugary foods and beverages can also cause blood sugar and insulin levels. The spike in sugar and insulin levels causes increased secretion of androgen and oil production — all of which aid the development of acne.

  • Sugar Drains Your Energy

Not many people know this; sugar-packed food such as British sweets causes a quick spike in blood sugar and insulin levels which causes an equal increase in energy. However, this energy is short-lived because sugary foods lack protein, fibre or fat — as such, the energy boost from such foods kicks in for a short period and burns out almost immediately as a result of the sharp drop in blood sugar.

  • May Increase Your Risk of Heart Disease

The risks of developing heart diseases increase significantly when you consume sugar-packed food and beverages. We may not be able to dive deeper into the science behind it; the gist is that a high-sugar diet increases risk factors of heart diseases like high blood sugar, high blood pressure, obesity, and high triglycerides.


While it is important to keep all of this in mind, the occasional treat such as British sweets is a good way to reward yourself. British sweets come in many different colours and flavours and are an ideal gift to yourself or others. Choosing British sweets to consume occasionally is delicious, as long as you consume in moderation.